Copy Constructor: Firstly, what is constructor? A constructor is a method define in a class by same name as of class. The work of constructor is to initialize the class members.Constructor is defined publicaly or privately. A Constructor never return any value,so it will never have any return type. A constructor without an argument is called default constructor. A constructor with an argument is known as parameterised constructor
example: class example
int a,b; //data member
example() //Default Constructor
example(int x, int y) //parameterised Constructor
this pointer: Member function of every class object have a special kind of pointer known as this pointer, which points to the object itself. When we cal a member function it comes into existence with the value of this set to the address of object it is pointing. Using a this pointer any member function can find out the the address of the object which it is pointing. Using this pointer a member function can also access the data of the object.
class example
int a,b;
example() //constructor is also a member function of a class
this->a=10; //data member are access with the help of this pointer
Before getting to copy constructor, first you should understand about reference. When a reference is used as a function argument,any modification to the reference inside the function
will cause change to the argument outside the function, this is something same as passing pointer as argument. But a reference has a cleaner syntax.
Constructor is call it initializes data members of a class. In above example you have seen that when a parameterised constructor is called data members are initialized with the parameter value passed. A Copy constructor is a constructor defined within a class that takes class object as a parameter and initialize the class data member with the object received as a argument. So the work of a copy constructor is to create a copy of the object it received as agrument from a constructor call. Given example will make Copy constructor concepts more clear to you.
/* Copy Constructor*/
class Test
int hr;
int min;
//default constructor.
//Parameterised constructor.
Test(int a,int b)
this->hr=a; //this pointer is used to initialised data member
//This is copy constructor.
/*It will copy the object pass as parameter to the
object by which the construtor is call*/
Test(Test &t)
void disp();
void Test::disp()
void main()
Test c; //default constructor call.
Test c1(5,10); //parameterised constructor call.
Test c2(c1); //copy constructor call.
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